Thursday, April 7, 2011


Hey everyone..My name is Deonna.  Most of my family call me might as well too.  
 How many of you have been suffering from low self-esteem?  You can't tell from  my profile picture, but I have been suffering from low self-esteem all my life.  I couldn't even tell you how all this started.  All I know is..I woke up one morning and realized I wasn't too fond of myself.  

I know there is someone sitting at home feeling the same way that I do.  I created this blog to let the world know that you are not don't have to go through this by yourself.  You may be suffering from depression, anexity and of course low self-esteem.  I have been through all of those and still do at times.  This is my way of uplifting as many people as I can.  

This is my first time creating a blog..actually my first time sharing to the world my views and how I feel about things...I hope you enjoy my site and feel free to comment.  Just know that I am not perfect...I am just trying to live my life..See ya soon!!

Follow me on twitter @love_yourself86

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