So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key. ~The Eagles, "Already Gone"
OMG..I love this quote. I have been shy all my life and scared to open up and be myself. I would consider myself living in chains. What can I do to change that? First I need to change the way I think. Thinking negatively is not going to change why not change it into a positive. I used to be the queen of negativity. I would sometimes find myself looking in the mirror pointing out things I hated about myself. I failed to realize that people viewed me in a totally different light. If you have a facebook page why don’t you ask people what they really think about you? You will be pleasantly surprised. Once I start finding the positive in everything I can began to actually live. That is the key. Love yourself…Nobody will love you the way you can love yourself.
Check out this article about changing the way you think!!